The run-up to a wedding is notoriously stressful with time zooming by so quickly that you feel unable to complete everything on your wedding to-do list. There is a way around facing this period of anxiety, and that involves being prepared in advance. The experience of the wedding organizer confirms that the groom is the one who wonders a little about the festive event because about 80 percent of the decisions are left to the more beautiful half and her family.
When it comes to preparing the most beautiful day in the ordinary life of a man and a woman, it is mostly future wives who are involved in organizing and making a variety of little things. Although all brides are thought to be preparing a wedding day in their thoughts, the groom also shares with brides a bit of responsibility. Please continue reading for our top five essential things for all grooms to remember.
1. Organize your suit in advance

Imagine going to a suit shop with just a couple of weeks to spare and finding out that they were unable to fulfill your requirements. How disappointed and panicked would that make you? The most important key is to organize your suit as far in advance as possible. Your groomsmen should do the same, in case you are all planning to wear similar outfits. He is thus left to choose a suit and complete it with a shirt, tie, and shoes, but even this is not an easy job at first glance. The advice is to look for a suit, just like a wedding dress, from two to four months earlier.
Well-known stylists from Gentleman’s Guru, think that a good dark suit is a right choice if the groom does not want to spend a tremendous amount of money because it is something that he will be able to carry after the wedding. If the groom knows he will have another chance to appear in a tuxedo, then the marriage is an excellent opportunity to buy one for himself. Also, it would be wise to take an extra shirt to the wedding venue along with your suit, just in case of a malfunction.
As a bride’s half, the groom’s appearance must fit with his future life companion, and this clamp is usually a tie. The tie must be outside the everyday repertoire: satin, monochrome, white, or light gray. If the bride’s wedding dress has a more relaxed tone, then the tie should also be from the cold color spectrum and vice versa.
2. Pick your groomsmen wisely

Be sure to choose groomsmen based not only on their friendship and closeness to you but also their reliability. You will need them on your side to ensure that everything goes smoothly as well as relying on them to organize a memorable bachelor party. It is crucial for them to feel your gratitude, so invest in some gifts to pass to them during the speeches on the big day. The groomsmen are considered to be the herald of a happy married life, a healthy and numerous offspring, down to what is deemed to be significant for the bridegroom’s household alone. Personalized beer mugs or pocket watches, such as the ones on offer at Groomsshop, could be perfect.
3. Write your speech (and bring it with you!)

You will be judged on the statement you write about your beautiful bride. Not gushy enough, and you will be slated, too flowery, and you will also be penalized. It is tricky to find the perfect balance, but if you speak from the heart, you cannot go too far wrong. What a wedding speech should have is honesty. They reflect the feelings the newlyweds have for each other, but also reflect their ideas and expectations of marriage.
The only rule is to be from the heart, and whether it will be in the form of a clumsy fourth-grade love song or a true poetic masterpiece – is irrelevant to the idea behind them. Be sure to write elements of it down, if not the entire thing. Standing up in front of a wedding venue full of guests and opening your mouth with no words coming out would not be a good look. Notes will help to support and scaffold what you want to say.
4. Remember the rings

It is a well-known scene in television and film : the groom forgets the rings, and that spells disaster for the wedding as well as their marriage. This scene is not too far from the truth. Imagine how angry your bride to be could be if the vows cannot be confirmed properly with the exchange of rings. If in doubt, write yourself a little list and tick everything off before setting off. A wedding day is not the one you want to sleep through. Although you do not have to go early for makeup and hairstyles like your sweetheart, you still need a good shower, shave and dress to get ready on time and bring the rings with you.
5. Enjoy yourself

A wedding day should always be a time to remember. However, there is a tendency to be so stressed with everything that you must do that you almost forget to have fun. The hours will fly by, and you will find yourself reflecting the next day on just how you would love to relive it. Smile and relax as much as possible. The best thing you can do at your wedding is to relax and feel the atmosphere, soak up every moment.
That day is all about subordinate to you and your dear and, most importantly, the life you begin together. Have fun, enjoy everyone’s company and remember that even though you don’t plan anything, you look at your young and future wife, smile, and wink. You will know that everything else is less important than what you decided to do. You are exactly in the place where you need to be.