Although combining a shared household can sometimes be a very daunting task, especially when newlyweds have appliances and furniture that have been in their homes for a long time, this process may not be easy at all. It takes is a little planning to make the beginning of your new life stress-free and joyful, as it should be.
Here are some tips for bringing together households, both furniture, and decorative styles, that will ensure that moving into your shared home is a positive experience for both of you from the beginning to the end.
1. Assess your things before moving

One of the biggest artificial obstacles in bringing two households together is the total amount of things a couple owns and has accumulated over the years. Keep that in mind and work it out in advance so that there will be no surprises on that big day. Besides, when it comes to the interior, this new phase, you will enter implies having some different things and useful gadgets that will make your life so much easier. You can check out to get the idea.
Each of you individually would have to “comb” through your things. Get rid of everything you won’t need in your new home and make a shortlist of sentimental items that you need to keep and give them a place of importance they certainly deserve. Once that’s over, discuss it with your partner, and have a lot of respect for his/her wishes.
2. Choose the right furniture

There will probably be more than a few duplicate items on both of your lists, especially if you’ve been living alone before. Instead of arguing over which sofa is more comfortable, take a look at your new space and decide which one will fit better.
Think realistically about the size, shape, and aesthetics of your new home. For example, a large L-shaped couch will probably not going to be the best choice for your tiny apartment, as well as modern furniture will probably bounce too far from the look of a historic building that is full of ancient charm. Improving the look of the kitchen is fun, but also a bit risky. At one moment you may know what you like, but you can’t be sure if you’ll like it in ten years or more—some things you’ll need to buy because there’s two of you now. To make the best out of your kitchen, you need to know what details are timeless but also multifunctional.
3. Find a style that you both like

Your new shared home must reflect both of your styles. For some, this means embracing an eclectic look that allows the personality of each individual to shine through it. In contrast, for others, it means embracing something new that fits into the compromise of a shared aesthetic.
Spend enough time exploring the world of design, find the aesthetics that are best suited, and something you can quickly agree on. In rare cases, there are not many common points, so each person should have his or her clearly defined space.
4. Talk about money

Living together brings a lot of joy, but it is an essential step in life that needs serious access. It is not enough that you enjoy being together, but you need to agree on essential issues. Forbes Magazine suggests that money be one of the first topics. It is best to familiarize yourself with your spending habits and your partner’s income so that you can agree on how to pay rent and bills.
5. Consider all aspects of the relationship

Putting aside money is another important topic for the harmony and survival of a long-term relationship. Of course, living together does not have to mean that you are planning a marriage soon, but it should be a wise move. If you feel like your relationship is one-sided or there are hints of behavior that you don’t like, it might not be time to embark on that adventure. Also, it is important to be able to resolve the conflict when it happens. It requires a lot of talking and understanding. It is essential to know that you are likely to see your partner’s friends more often, which you either immediately accept, or consider if you are ready for it.
6. Talk about the future

If marriage is something you want, say it clearly and loudly, even if you run the risk of uncomfortable conversations. A recent US study found that couples who got engaged before starting a life together are happier later than those who did the same as they began to live together. Make sure you understand your partner’s reasons for living together. Even if you don’t go shopping for a wedding ring, it’s essential to be clear about where the relationship goes.
7. All roommates are irritating

Just because you are attracted to each other does not mean that your life together will be as beautiful as a summer day at sea. You only really get to know your partner when you start living together, and, yes, some of his habits are unlikely to blow you away. Even in ideal conditions, when you’re together all the time, some traits will start to get on your nerves over time. In times of crisis, try the following: every time your partner annoys you, think of three beautiful things he has recently done for you.
8. It’s not just you who matters anymore

Did you mean to have a drink with your ex after work? Or apply for a great new job in another city? Your choices, from the ordinary to the big ones that affect your life, now change the other person’s routine and lifestyle. As shabby as it sounds, once you move in together, you become a team, and that includes giving up some of the independence you had before. So, before you decide on your partner, think about how you might feel about being on the opposite side.
Final Word
Living together is not at all easy, while on the other hand, sharing a common household can be a great ordeal. All it takes is a little preparation and complex teamwork. Approaching all of these tasks with the right attitude, as well as adopting these tips, can help ensure that you will make the right move.